Macleod Stephen


"Harvey" by Mary Chase

Wednesday 12 March - Saturday 15 March 2014

A timeless comedy about a man, a rabbit, and what it means to be different.

Position: Lyman Sanderson

"Laurel" by Madeleine Haynes

Wednesday 01 October - Thursday 02 October 2014

There was a boy who escaped to the forest.

Position: Producer

"Evam Indrajit" by Badal Sarkar

Tuesday 07 October - Saturday 11 October 2014

Why should we live, why should we die?

Position: Vimal

"Vive la Résistance" by Ian Culleton

Wednesday 18 March - Saturday 21 March 2015

“Perhaps this is a bedtime story. But I cannot sleep. I’m waiting for the post.” To one hand, a dinner table. To the other, the war. Four Allied soldiers discover dark secrets about the cause they’ve fought for.

Position: Maj. William Digsby

"Bedlam Fringe 2015" by Henry Conklin

Friday 07 August - Monday 31 August 2015

New Design!

Position: Press and Marketing Officer

"Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" by Edward Albee

Tuesday 13 October - Saturday 17 October 2015

You are cordially invited to George and Martha’s for an evening of fun, games and bitter resentment. Edward Albee’s ...

Position: Nick

"The Crucible" by Arthur Miller

Tuesday 10 November - Saturday 14 November 2015

“Until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven.”

Position: Actor (Giles Corey)