This is the archive of every EUTC event from 1871 to the present! If you have anything to add to any of the shows, or think we are missing any, or want any more information about something, don’t hesitate to contact the Archivist
Tuesday 03 February - Saturday 07 February 1981
If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist. A morality play
Thursday 01 January - Thursday 29 January 1981
If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.
Tuesday 02 December - Saturday 06 December 1980
If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist. This play was performed at Adam House...
Wednesday 26 November 1980
If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.
Wednesday 19 November - Sunday 23 November 1980
If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.
Wednesday 12 November 1980
If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.
Wednesday 05 November 1980
If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.
Friday 10 October - Friday 31 October 1980
If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.
Wednesday 01 October - Thursday 16 October 1980
On Caroline’s 18th birthday her parents realize they must tell her something: but what? They themselves know very lit...
Sunday 17 August - Saturday 06 September 1980
If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.