This festival finished on Saturday 06 January 1962, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) 1962

Bristol - First year EUTC was allowed to join


Monday 01 January - Saturday 06 January 1962








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This was the first year that the National Student Drama Festival allowed students from universities not affiliated with the National Union of Students. EUSA was at the time affiliated to the Scottish Union of Students, which was not yet a part of the NUS, which is why this is the first year the EUTC took part.

Location: Bristol


Antigone by Christopher Logue, London School of Economics Drama Society

The Bald Prima Donna by Eugène Ionesco, Dublin University Players

The Birthday Party by Harold Pinter, Union Drama Club, Manchester University

Camino Real by Tennessee Williams, Bristol University Dramatic Society (Sunday Times Drama Trophy)

Draw the Fires by Ernst Toller (tr Edward Crankshaw), Leeds University Union Theatre Group

The Dumb Waiter by Harold Pinter, Edinburgh University Dramatic Society

Henry IV by Luigi Pirandello (n tr Frederick May), Liverpool University Dramatic Society

The Post Office by Rabindranath Tagore, Guild Theatre Group, Birmingham University

Three Actors and their Drama by Michel de Ghelderode (tr G Hauger), Leeds University Union Theatre Group

The View from Poppa’s Head (n) by Gwyn A Williams, Dramatic Society, University College, Aberystwyth (NUS One-Act Plaque)

Woyzeck by Georg Buchner (tr John Holmstrom), Dramatic Society, University College, London

INVITED PRODUCTION El Deleitoso by Lope de Rueda and El Rey by Ghelderode and mime, University of Madrid (nc)

Sponsors: The Sunday Times; lo: Anthony Cole

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Monday 01 January 1962

The Dumb Waiter

Monday 01 January - Saturday 06 January

An NSDF show

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