This festival finished on Saturday 02 January 1965, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) 1965

Southampton - No EUTC Show


Monday 28 December 1964 - Saturday 02 January 1965






If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.


Black and White (dance to music by Bartók),
Dramatic Society, St Mary’s, Newcastle

The Collection by Harold Pinter,
Newton Park Training College, Bath (NUS One- Act Plaque)

The Crucible by Arthur Miller,
University of Manchester Drama Group (Sunday Times Drama Trophy)

The Dumb Waiter by Harold Pinter,
Dramatic Society, St Mary’s, Twickenham

In Camera by Jean Paul Sartre (tr Stuart Gilbert),
Keele University Drama Group

Judith by Jean Giraudoux,
Dramatic Society, University College, London

Live Like Pigs by John Arden,
Cardiff University Players

Mrs Evergreen (group improvisation),
Weymouth Training College Drama Society

Next Time I’ll Sing to You by James Saunders,
Durham University Theatre

Out of the Flying Pan by David Campton,
Theatre Group, University College, Aberystwyth

The Public Eye by Peter Shaffer,
Nottingham University Dramatic Society

Pullman Car Hiawatha by Thornton Wilder,
Hendon College of Technology Dramatic Society

The Soldier’s Tale by C F Ramuz with music by Igor Stravinsky,
Leeds University Union Theatre Group

The Visit by Friedrich Durrenmatt,
Guild Theatre Group, Birmingham University

The Zoo Story by Edward Albee,
Leicester University Drama Society

The Playboy of the Western World by J M Synge,
The Bucharest Student House of Culture Ensemble (nc)

Sponsors: The Sunday Times;
lo: Andy Rushbridge

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