This festival finished on Monday 03 January 1966, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) 1966

Bradford - No EUTC Show


Wednesday 29 December 1965 - Monday 03 January 1966






Location: Bradford, Bradford Institute of Technology


*Act Without Words, by Samuel Beckett,
Guild Theatre Group, Birmingham University

The American Dream by Edward Albee,
Durham University Theatre Group

A Bitter Taste (dramatised poems by World War One fighters),
Drama Society, St Peter’s College, Saltley

*Caligula by Albert Camus,
Southampton University Theatre Group (Sunday Times Drama Trophy)

Cécile by Jean Anouilh,
Liverpool University Dramatic Society Comedy,

Satire, Irony and Deeper Meaning by Christian Dietrich-Grabbe (tr Barbara Wright),
Manchester University Drama Group

The Country Wife by William Wycherley,
Dublin University Players

Creditors by August Strindberg,
Manchester University Drama Group

The Duchess of Malfi by John Webster,
Leeds University Union Theatre Group

The Dumb Waiter by Harold Pinter,
Lancaster University Theatre Group

*Endgame by Samuel Beckett,
Keele University Drama Group (NUS One-Act Plaque)

The Fire Raisers by Max Frisch,
Bristol University Dramatic Society

The Trials of Brother Jero by Wole Soyinka,
Bradford Institute of Technology Drama Group

Plutos by Aristophanes,
New Stage Group, Goethe University, Frankfurt (nc)

Sponsors: The Sunday Times;
lo: John Strauss
* Presented at St Martin’s Theatre, London, 10-16 January 1966 by impresario Peter Bridge

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