This festival finished on Monday 02 January 1967, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) 1967

Cardiff - No EUTC Show


Wednesday 28 December 1966 - Monday 02 January 1967






If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.

The Bear by Anton Chekhov,
Sheffield University Theatre Group

The Caretaker by Harold Pinter,
York University Drama Society

*The Chinese Wall by Max Frisch,
Leeds University Union Theatre Group (Sunday Times Drama Trophy)

Danton’s Death by Georg Buchner,
Durham University Theatre Group

Galileo by Bertolt Brecht,
Guild Theatre Group, Birmingham University

The Hole by N F Simpson,
Leeds University Union Theatre Group

Jacques by Eugène Ionesco,
Manchester University Drama Group

*Jenousia by Rene de Obaldia,
Experimental Theatre Club, Oxford University (NUS One-Act Plaque)

John Thomas by Charles Wood,
Lancaster University Drama Society

*Notes from Underground (ns ad from Dostoievsky & dir by Buzz Goodbody),
University of Sussex Theatre

The Only Jealousy of Emer by W B Yeats,
University of East Anglia Drama Society

A Resounding Tinkle by N F Simpson,
Players, University College, Cardiff

Six Over the Severn (an ‘intimate revue’) by Jeremy Treglown,
Dramatic Society, St Peter’s College,

*Saltley Spare by Charles Wood,
Guild Theatre Group, Birmingham University

Swan Song by Anton Chekhov,
Dramatic Society, St Mary’s, Twickenham

Sponsors: The Sunday Times;
lo: Allan Jones
*Presented at the Garrick Theatre, London, 23-29 January 1967 by Peter Bridge

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