This festival finished on Saturday 03 January 1970, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) 1970



Monday 29 December 1969 - Saturday 03 January 1970






If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.

We submitted Martyrs of Melody Road and Flight, only the 2nd got in.


Aggression (ns) by Shell Abulafia,
Institute of Education, London, Drama Society

The Ancient Mariner (ns) by Andrew Wistreich with music by Stuart Jones,
Actors’ Workshop, York University (Sunday Times Drama Trophy)

Doors (n) by Richard Drain,
Nottingham University Dramatic Society

Flight (n) by Gordon Roberts,
Edinburgh University Dramatic Society

From Out of a Box (n) by George MacEwan Green,
Leicester University Theatre (NUS One-Act Plaque)

The Golden Thread (n) by Kevin West & Michael Milford,
Leicester Polytechnic

Hamlet with Four Princes (ad from Shakespeare),
University College, Cardiff (nc)

The Hole (group improvisation),
The Group Travelling Company

Looking Forward to 1942 (n revue),
Bradford College of Art (nc)

Madly Madly (n) by Peter Hawkins,
Durham University

Periba–ez by Lope de Vega (tr John Brotherton),
Guild Theatre Group, Birmingham University

Placings (ns) by Chris MacGregor,
University of East Anglia Drama Society

Saint Rosa I Die (ns) by David Porter,
New College of Speech & Drama,

London Sleep to Wake (n) by Cheryl Greenaway,
Exeter University Drama Society

The Stronghold (ns) by Rod Lewis,
Sussex University Theatre Club

Time Exposure by David Compton,
Newcastle University Dramatic Society

Viet Rock by Megan Terry,
Keele University Drama Group

Sponsors: The Sunday Times;
lo: Peter Kilgour


Source for dates

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