This festival finished on Wednesday 16 April 2003, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) 2003



Wednesday 09 April - Wednesday 16 April 2003






If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.


NSDF03 saw a significant increase in the number of Subscription Tickets available. Rising to 640 from 600, thus enabling even more people to attend the Festival. Consequently box office records were smashed and with a massive variety of workshops on offer, so was the number of people attending events. The panel of judges for the 03 Festival included Annie Castledine and David Tse, along with the ever present Robert Hewison. The professionals attending this year included: Mike Leigh, David Glass, Willy Russell, Howard Goodall, Mark Ravenhill, Sir Alan Ayckbourn, Michael Billington and Frantic Assembly. The Festivale finale, The Frankenstein Project, proved a massive success with over 500 people attending this specially created site-specific event.

Selected Student Productions

1789 by Ariane Mnouchkine,
St Paul’s Girls School, London

Bedbound by Enda Walsh,
Read Out Theatre, Cambridge University (Buzz Goodbody Student Director Award & Bush Theatre Directing Bursary, Alex Ferguson; Judges’ Award for Acting, Khalid Abdalla & Cressida Trew)

Checkmate (ns d) by Graham Ireland,
Brooksby Melton College in association with De Montfort University;

Drip (n d) Attic People (Lecoq graduates) (Judges’ Award for Total Ensemble)

The Dudleys (n d)
Liverpool Hope University

The Freudian Slip (ns)
A Meeting About Laughter, Exeter University (Judges’ Commendation for Comic Writing, Luke Kennard, with Tom Davies, Jenny Sutton & Matthew Johnson; Festgoers’ Award)

Heavenly Bodies (ns d)
Contemporary Theatre Project, Scarborough Campus, Hull University

Jezebel the Justified (ns) by Jonathon Morgan,
R.I.O. Productions, LIPA

The King of Prussia by Nick Darke,
Bristol University Drama Society

The Last Days of Mankind by Karl Kraus,
WUDS,Warwick University

Like Skinnydipping (ns) by Chris Perkin,
Edinburgh University Theatre Company (Sunday Times Playwriting Award & Directors’ Guild Award, Chris Perkin)

Macbeth by William Shakespeare,
Me Old Chimney Productions (LIPA graduates) (Judges’ Commendation for Choice of Script)

See You Swoon (ns d),
Deer Park, Dartington College of Arts (Stage Electrics Award for Lighting, Tom Kovar; Judges’ Award for Best Devised Piece)

A Smile Fell in the Grass (ns d),
Bretton Hall College, Leeds University

ISPC, Brian Mullin (USA) for Retrospect
Personal Managers’ Association Award, Ben Richards, Nottingham University for Cargo (np) Sunday Times Harold Hobson Student Drama Critic Award, Ed Lake, Cambridge University
Theatre Record Young Drama Critic, Chris Wilkinson, Cambridge University
Stage Electrics award for Technical Achievement, Katie Hind, Edinburgh University

Sponsors: The Sunday Times, The Mackintosh Foundation, Esme Fairbairn Foundation, Arts Council of England, Scarborough Borough Council, The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation & Noel Coward Foundation; Financially assisted by HSBC;
lo: Joanne Murray;
td: Katharine Williams

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