This festival finished on Wednesday 07 April 2004, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) 2004

Scarborough - No EUTC Show


Wednesday 31 March - Wednesday 07 April 2004






If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.


NSDF04 provided a wealth of workshops from a diverese range of practitioners: Graeae Theatre Company, Goat Island, Rommi Smith, Faroque Khan, Recorded Delivery, Hampstead Theatre, Lone Twin and Timothy West amongst others. We also saw the first steps of a future collaboration with a series of new international partner festivals, as we brought over Political Assassinator from ITS Amsterdam. At NSDF04, we had the first fruition of our new roadshows, as a direct response from a session in Belfast, The Laramie Project entered NSDF, and were selected and proved very successful.

Selected Student Productions

As if a Rag (ns d),
Industrial Space, Peterborough Regional College (Directors’ Guild Award, Rhys McClelland; Stage Electrics Award for Technical Achievement, Ben Hodgekins; Judges’ Company Award for Innovation). nstc

Beautiful Thing by Jonathan Harvey,
LIPA (Stage Electrics Award for Lighting, Julie Kearney; Judge’s Individual Award for Acting, Paul Stocker & Kevin Kemp). nstc transfer aborted by surprise refusal of performance licence

Dinner (ns d),
Company of Rooks, Leicester College

Greek by Steven Berkoff,
Reigate Grammar School (Buzz Goodbody Student Director Award, Fiona Clift; Judges’ Company Commendation for Ensemble)

The Hamster Theme Park (ns d)
Autumn Fish, Goldsmiths College, London (Stage Electrics Award for Sound, Theo Sykes & Tim Pickup)

The Laramie Project by Moises Kaufman and the Tectonic Theater
Queen’s University, Belfast (Bush Theatre Directing Bursary, Des Kennedy; Judges’ Company Commendation for Ensemble)

Murmur (ns d)
BRIT School (Judge’s Individual Award for Direction, Marcus Condron & Kate Pringle; Judges’ Company Award for Ensemble)

Shaking Cecelia (ns) by Tiffany Wood & Charlotte Riley,
Cat in the Bag, East Durham and Houghall Community College (Sunday Times Playwriting Award). Transferred to Edinburgh, then represented NSDF as part of the International Young Makers Marathon (IYMM).

Tapped (ns d)
Fused Illusion, Hull University (Judge’s Individual Commendation for Acting, Ed Cobbold & Sophie Dixon; Judges’ Company Award for Devised Theatre). nstc

Terrorism by The Presnyakov Brothers (tr Sasha Dugdale),
The Laboratory, Birmingham Theatre School

Titus Andronicus by William Shakespeare,
University of Hull

Unlucky for Some (ns d)
Contemporary Theatre Project, Scarborough Campus, Hull University (Judges’ Company Commendation for Innovation)

Waves (ns)
Tread Dance Company, Dartington College of Arts (Judge’s Individual Commendation for Theatrical Exploration, Lisa Bywater & Jenni Malarkey)

Political Assassinator (n d) by Yoram Mosenzon,
Dansacademie, Arnhem (nc)

ISPC , Joy Wilkinson Middlesex University, Interior Design for the Undead. Rehearsed readings at nsdf & Soho Theatre
Sunday Times Harold Hobson Student Drama Critic Award, Chris Wilkinson, Cambridge University
Theatre Record Young Drama Critic Award, Owen Kingston, York University

Sponsors: The Sunday Times, The Mackintosh Foundation, Esme Fairbairn Foundation, Arts Council of England, Scarborough Borough Council, The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation & Noel Coward Foundation;
lo: Joey Holland & Laura Dollimore;
td: Katharine Williams

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