This festival finished on Friday 25 March 2005, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) 2005



Friday 18 March - Friday 25 March 2005






If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Archivist.

Selected Student Productions

Babel (d)
Lewisham College

The B File by Deborah Levy,
University of Derby (Stage Electrics Lighting Award, Andy Purves; Stage Electrics Technical Achievement Award, Lucy Thorpe; Judges’ Company Lighting Design Award)

Bent by Martin Sherman,
Queen’s University, Belfast (Judges’ Acting Commendation, Neal McWilliams)

The Country Wife by William Wycherley,
Rose Bruford College; (Judges’ Company Award; Acting Commendation, Declan Harvey)

ECIOV (ns d)
Bretton Hall Campus, Leeds University; (Judges’ Company, Set Design & Sound Design Awards)

Greek by Steven Berkoff,
Warwick University (Acting Commendation, James Barton)

Mikey the Musical (ns) by Joel Horwood,
UKC Dramatics, University of Kent, Canterbury (Cameron Mackintosh Musical Theatre Award, Joel Horwood; Judges’ Company Award)

Scaramouche Jones by Justin Butcher,
Edinburgh University, EUTC with Painted Face Productions

Tea Without Mother (ns)
The Tickling Kitchen, Dartington College of Arts, devised by Joe Mapson, Lynnette Oakey, Mark Stephens, Josephine Yeboah. (Judges’ Company Award; JudgesÕ Acting Award, Mark Stephens; Festgoers’ Award; represented NSDF as part of the International Young Makers Marathon (IYMM)

You Have 10 Minutes (d)
RatPAC, Ralph Thoresby High School

Invited Productions from IYMM

Janacek Academy of Music and Performing Arts, Brno, Czech Republic

Before Existential Make-over,
Toneel Academie, Maastricht, Holland

Was Mona Lisa Una Lampara?
BAI Bizkaiko Antzerki Ikastegia, Bilbao, Spain

Champ/Contre-Champ and Eleanor!
P.A.R.T.S. Performing Arts Research & Training Studios, Brussels

This Is Not a Romantic Duet,
The School for New Dance Development (SNDO), Theatreschool, Hoghschool van de Kunsten, Holland

ISPC, Jennifer Tuckett, UEA, How to Make an English Heroine

Sponsors: The Sunday Times, The Mackintosh Foundation, Arts Council of England, Scarborough Borough Council, The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Awards for All & Noel Coward Foundation;
lo: Rosemary Manley & James Quaife;
td: Anthony Newton

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