This festival finished on Friday 25 March 2016, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) 2016

Scarborough - No EUTC Show Submitted


Saturday 19 March - Friday 25 March 2016







Information about NSDF 2016.

Selected shows

Cock by Mike Bartlett produced by Battered Soul Company in Durham.

I Can’t Breathe a new play written by and performed by Modupe Salu at Buckinghamshire New University.

Dahmer a new play by Amie Petricca-Lear produced by Heads Up Productions from University of Cumbria.

The Toyland Murders a new play for puppets by Ben Hollands produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

The Addams Family a musical by Durham University Light Opera Group.

Departures: A Song Cycle by Verismo Company written and directed by Joe Bunce with music by Matthew Malone.

West by Steven Berkoff produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

The Faithless Healer a new play by Sam George produced by Freshblood New Writing at Warwick University.

Kiss Me Kate Cole Porter’s musical produced by Durham University Light Opera Group with book by Samuel and Bella Spewack.

Over There by Mark Ravenhill produced by Warwick University Drama Society.

The Beanfield a new play by Breach Company, graduates of Warwick University Drama Society.

Daniel a new play by Matilda Reith produced by Footprint Theatre in Sheffield.

Submitted shows

The complete list of shows entered for the Festival 2016 are below:

Daniel a new play by Matilda Reith (Assistant Director and performer The Nutcracker 2015) produced by Footprint Theatre in Sheffield.

The Drowsy Chaperone the comic musical by SUSU Showstoppers in Southampton.

Into The Woods the Sondheim classic by SUSU Showstoppers in Southampton.

Over There by Mark Ravenhill about twins separated by the Berlin Wall produced by Warwick University Drama Society.

Seven Lears Howard Barker’s rarely performed re-imagining of Shakespeare’s King Lear also by Warwick University Drama Society.

Mnemonic the 1999 Complicite play produced by Minotaur Theatre Company at University of East Anglia.

Road by Jim Cartwright by New Theatre Nottingham directed by Ben Williamson who directed The Ritual Slaughter of Gorge Mastromas at the festival this year.

Swarm a new devised piece by Minotaur Theatre Company at University of East Anglia about female gang culture.

1984 dramatisation of the Orwell classic that has been entered at least once every year (and often twice) since 2013, produced by SUSU Theatre Group Southampton.

You Before Me a new play by new company Guttersnipe Theatre playing as part of the Brighton Fringe Festival.

Tender Napalm by Philip Ridley produced by SUSU Theatre Group in Southampton.

Living Together by Alan Ayckbourn produced by No Script on the Night at the Oxford Playhouse.

Some Thing New a new play by Lion Theatre Company at Durham University.

Masterpieces by Sarah Daniels produced by Warwick University Drama Society

Winter of our Discotheque a new play by Tess Humphrey produced by Fourth Wall Theatre
 in Durham.

Death and the Maiden by Ariel Dorfman produced by Fourth Wall Theatre
 in Durham.

Zennor a new play by Lamorna Ash produced by Knack Kneed, Oxford University.

The Toyland Murders a new play for puppets by Ben Hollands produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

The Children’s Hour by Lillian Hellman produced by Lion Theatre Company
 in Durham.

The Kitchen Sink by Tom Wells produced by St Aidan’s College Theatre
 in Durham.

Rhinoceros by Eugene Ionesco produced by New Theatre Nottingham

Bottleneck by Luke Barnes produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

Spring Awakening The Musical produced by Durham Light Opera Society.

4.48 Psychosis Sarah Kane play entered by Collide Theatre Company in London directed by Emily Louizou who directed The Bacchae at the 2015 Festival.

Autumn Leaves a new play from Cambridge Performing Arts College.

Me Myself and I a new devised play by students from New Bucks University staged in London.

Macdeath devised parody by New Bucks University.

Mr Poe’s Legendarium by Clown Funeral Company from Warwick.

The Bald Soprano by UCL Drama directed by Emily Louizou.

The Beanfield by Breach Company, graduates of Warwick.

Departures: A Song Cycle by Verismo Company written and directed by Joe Bunce with music by Matthew Malone (The Nutcracker 2015).

The Furies adapted from the Aeschylus original by graduates of Durham University.

The Lost Boys devised adaptation by Bloxham School near Banbury.

Breathing Corpses by Laura Wade produced by Minotaur Theatre University of East Anglia.

The Prisoners Cinema a new play by Joe Kent-Walters and Millie Dickinson from Frank Theatre at Shelley College, Huddersfield.

Party by Tom Basden and produced by SUSUTheatre Southampton.

Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf by Edward Albee and produced by Sheffield University Theatre Company.

Blasted by Sarah Kane produced by Durham Student Theatre.

Boys by Ella Hickson produced by Theatre Group Leeds University.

Posh by Laura Wade also produced by Theatre Group Leeds University.

Medea by Euripides produced by Gone Rogue at Southampton University.

Damage produced by Sheffield University.

The Faithless Healer produced by Freshblood.

Sex Cells produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

The Hound of the Baskervilles originally created by Peepolykus produced by Peterborough College.

Pornography by Simon Stephens produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

The Thrill of Love produced by Durham Student Theatre.

Travesties by Tom Stoppard produced by Durham Student Theatre.

Darkroom produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

Ebb Tide a new play produced by Exeter University.

The Great Gatsby an immersive version produced by Theatre Workshop in Leeds.

The Diary of Anne Frank produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

West by Steven Berkoff also produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

Addams Family – musical produced by DULOG (Durham Light Opera).

Cock by Mike Bartlett produced by Battered Soul Company in Durham.

Macbett by Ionesco produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

Sketchy Characters - new comedy writing from New Theatre Nottingham.

The Great Gatsby - second adaptation we have seen this year of the classic F. Scott Fitzgerald novel produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

Snow Queen - produced by Codpiece at University of Warwick.

Snow Queen - a second production this time by Sheffield University Theatre Company.

Strangers - new devised play produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

The Master and Margarita - again produced by New Theatre Nottingham.

Mary Stuart - produced by Fourth Wall Theatre Company in Durham.

Bacon - new play produced by Codpiece at Warwick - their second entry this year.

Sound of the Night Feather - new devised piece produced by drama department pupils at Bedales School.

The Boat - a new play produced by Theatre Group at Leeds University.

The Game’s Afoot - written by Ken Ludwig and produced by SUSU Southampton.

Of Nymphs and Men - a new devised play produced by Dirty Rascals (who are graduates of University College London) playing at the Miller Pub in London SE1.

Goggles - devised play produced at Theatre Delicatessen North in Sheffield by This Egg Company.

This is Rocket Fuel - new play by William Perkins, produced by By the By Theatre Company on the Isle of Wight.

The Wonderful World of Dissocia - Anthony Nelson’s play about Dissociative Disorder produced by 3 Bugs Fringe in Birmingham.

Kiss Me Kate - Cole Porter’s musical produced by Durham University Light Opera Group with book by Samuel and Bella Spewack.

Jellyfish - a new play by Reece Connolly and produced by Queen Mary Theatre Company, London.

Dahmer - by Amie Petricca-Lear produced by Heads Up Productions from University of Cumbria.

The Mayor of Everywhere - a new play by Jack Harrison and Dave Reeson, produced by Big Egg Theatre at the University of Leeds.


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