Niall Walsh

Jack of all trades of last resort.


"The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet" by Peter Bloedel

Monday 09 September - Friday 13 September 2013

'Verona's the place from where our play is picked. Two families lived there...and MAN were they ticked!'

Position: Stage Manager

"Scooby Panto and The Night of the Nutcracker! In 2D!" by Craig Methven and Callum O'Dwyer

Tuesday 26 November - Saturday 30 November 2013

Kicking Christmas in the nutcrackers!

Position: Dr X

"BedFest 2014" by N/A

Monday 20 January - Saturday 25 January 2014

BedFest - It’s the Fest of Bed!

Position: Administrator

"Bedfest 2014" by Never Set

Monday 20 January - Saturday 25 January 2014

Bedlam Festival 2014

Position: Administrator

"24h Play Sign-Up" by Never Set

Friday 22 January 2016

Sign up for 24 Hour Play: Conceived, written, rehearsed and assembled in one night and one day… the show must go on,...

Position: Director

"24 Hour Play" by Unknown

Saturday 23 January 2016

Conceived, written, rehearsed and assembled in one night and one day… the show must go on, as they say. The EUTC pres...

Position: Director