
This is the archive of every EUTC event from 1871 to the present! If you have anything to add to any of the shows, or think we are missing any, or want any more information about something, don’t hesitate to contact the Archivist


The Jungle Book

Saturday 09 April 2016

For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

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Bedlam Ball 2016

Saturday 02 April 2016

Edinburgh Zoo

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The Improverts

Friday 15 January - Friday 01 April 2016

Always Different, Always Funny.

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Bedlam Reduced V: Money Never Sleeps

Friday 01 April 2016

Art. Art never changes.

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IUDF presents York's 'The Rime of the Ancient Mariner'

Wednesday 30 March 2016

The play concerns the plight of a man who, on his way to a wedding, is suddenly entranced by an ancient sailor, who r...

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IUDF presents Loughborough's 'Sonder'

Wednesday 30 March 2016

Sonder, is a dark comedy that focuses on the intrinsically strange nature of human interaction. Showing the stories o...

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Inter University Drama Festival (IUDF) 2016

Tuesday 29 March - Wednesday 30 March 2016

Edinburgh - 5th IUDF

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IUDF presents EUTC's 'Pines'

Tuesday 29 March 2016

One day a forest grew around Elsa’s life. It wound its roots and stuck its branches through the fabric of her being. ...

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IUDF presents UCL's 'Hiroic'

Tuesday 29 March 2016

A tragicomedy about Hiro, a superhero, going through a midlife crisis where his therapist suggests he get a hobby. In...

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IUDF presents Royal Holloway's 'In the Works'

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Inspired by Haruki Murakami’s surreal, melancholic novels and drawing on the techniques and aesthetics of Noh Theatre...

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Tuesday 22 March - Saturday 26 March 2016

“We’re not beginning to… to… mean something?” “Mean something! You and I, mean something! Ah that’s a good one!”

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National Student Drama Festival (NSDF) 2016

Saturday 19 March - Friday 25 March 2016

Scarborough - No EUTC Show Submitted

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Friday 18 March 2016

A showcase of short, new writing from the EUTC’s up and coming writers.

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Murder Camp

Wednesday 16 March 2016

"If you're missing at summer camp you're probably dead"

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Angels in America: Millennium Approaches

Tuesday 08 March - Saturday 12 March 2016

“People who are lonely, people left alone, sit talking nonsense to the air, imagining… beautiful systems dying, old fixed orders spiraling apart….”

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