This is the archive of every EUTC event from 1871 to the present! If you have anything to add to any of the shows, or think we are missing any, or want any more information about something, don’t hesitate to contact the Archivist
Friday 22 June - Saturday 30 June 2012
Scarborough - No EUTC Show
Friday 04 May - Friday 11 May 2012
Edinburgh's resident improvised comedy. Always different, always funny.
Thursday 19 April - Friday 20 April 2012
Culture clashes and highly topical questions of national identity and independence.
Thursday 01 September 2011 - Sunday 01 April 2012
Fuck the poor. Come watch the future rulers of our world debate the state of the universe. And eat. And drink. And vom.
Thursday 01 September 2011 - Sunday 01 April 2012
Edinburgh University's creative writing magazine magazine "PublshED" are running a playwriting competition. Bedlam theatre Company are producing the play which wins first prize in this inter-society collaboration, in week 11.
Thursday 01 September 2011 - Sunday 01 April 2012
This show was imported from the old website. If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Arch...
Thursday 01 September 2011 - Sunday 01 April 2012
'You're both useless! You can't do anything to help anoyone because you're too busy talking!' Two teenage boys talk the last hour of their lives away as the universe collapses around them. A dark original comedy at friendship, futility and foreskins.
Thursday 29 March - Saturday 31 March 2012
Illegitimate royals, avocados, jam and the Welsh collide in unexpected ways in this original period drama.
Saturday 31 March 2012
The entire Bedlam population comes together for one evening to systematically parody its own dramatic efforts of the last 12 months. With style, grace and bad impressions.
Friday 20 January - Friday 30 March 2012
Edinburgh's resident improv comedy troupe return for their third decade at the Bedlam Theatre. Hilarious games based entirely on audience suggestions, a whole different show every night.
Tuesday 20 March - Saturday 24 March 2012
We fear no man, no superstition and no story. Except one.
Wednesday 14 March 2012
Edgar and Annabel are the perfect middle class couple: both in love, in work, content. As long as they follow the script, they should be ok.
Tuesday 06 March - Saturday 10 March 2012
There are figures just across the water. They live their lives inmisery, elation, despair, chastisement and reward: just like us. Divein. Swim across. Let's hear what they have to say.The EUTC joyfully presents tales from Ovid's Metamorphoses in a scr
Friday 02 March 2012
This show was imported from the old website. If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Arch...