This show finished on Saturday 14 December 2019, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

Nativity 2019

Bedlam does a primary school nativity


Saturday 14 December 2019


Bedlam Theatre




Amy Yeo


“Why don’t we do a school nativity in Bedlam” “Yes, why don’t we?” “No wait”

That is pretty much the story of how this came to happen. Sorry not sorry.

It made a pretty decent amount of money for the teenage cancer trust, and it was our first Nativity.

Cast and Crew


Actor Mick Zijdel

Actor David Jay

Actor Isla Jamieson-MacKenzie

Actor Matias Krook

Actor Elise Corry

Actor Molly Johnston

Actor / Flamingo Sam Waite

Actor / Star on top of the tree Elissa Webb

Christmas Day / jesus junior Alice Foley

Crib builder George Manchester

Director and Baby Jesus Becky Spiers

God / producer Eve Miller

God II / producer Issi Ladd

Inn keeper / Stage manager Sophie Lee

Manager of the stars / technical manager Emma Hunt

Santa's little helper Liz Dokukina

The one that turned them away / stage manger Nancy Strahan

Virgin Marie / risk assessor Marie Gaasø Rimolsrønning

Writer Amy Yeo



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