This show finished on Thursday 30 October 2014, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.


One in three people are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Sally is that one, and Tissue is her story.


Thursday 30 October 2014


Bedlam Theatre




Louise Page


Conversion Season


One in three people are diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime. Sally is that one, and Tissue is her story.

But Sally’s story is not just her story. It’s the story of her mother and her brother, her best friend and her ex, her boss and her doctors. Powerful, sometimes abstract and often darkly funny, Tissue explores many of the painfully neglected issues surrounding a cancer diagnosis.

For one night only, Cancer Out Loud presents Tissue as a charity fundraiser. The chosen charity is CoppaFeel, a vibrant group educating young people about how to check themselves for breast cancer to prevent late diagnosis.

Cast and Crew


Assistant Director Grace Mac Dougall

Director Rachel Hobley

Producer Gavin Cooper

Stage Manager Danya Bradley Barnes

Technical Manager Jack Simpson

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