Elissa Hunter-Dorans


"halfBaked 2022/2023" by halfBakers

Monday 10 October 2022 - Thursday 30 March 2023

halfBaked is an EUTC series of shows with the single aim of just enjoying acting. We don’t do auditions we just take ...

Position: Assistant Producer

"Sherlock Holmes and The Thalassic Room" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Thursday 16 February 2023

A halfBaked production. The end comes to all.

Position: Stage Manager

"A Halfbaked Heist" by Em Leites McPherson

Friday 10 March 2023

A silly play about baking. Tickets come with cake!

Position: Stage Manager

"The Tempest II" by Artificial Intelligence

Thursday 30 March 2023

A halfBaked Production. Play and Complementary Cake.

Position: Producer

"EUSOG Presents: "HMS Pinafore"" by Sir W. S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan

Tuesday 04 April - Friday 07 April 2023

All aboard H.M.S. Pinafore for a tale of forbidden love, dark secrets and some rather fabulous musical numbers. This...

Position: Stage Assistant