It’s about time I got one of these x
Tuesday 04 April - Friday 07 April 2023
All aboard H.M.S. Pinafore for a tale of forbidden love, dark secrets and some rather fabulous musical numbers. This...
Position: Actor (Buttercup)
Wednesday 11 October - Saturday 14 October 2023
Loss and longing haunt this state-of-the-nation play which focuses on a mother mourning her son by returning to her c...
Position: Co-Producer
Thursday 16 November - Friday 17 November 2023
A comedy originally by Aristophanes, translated from the Ancient Greek by the director, Lysistrata is a play about a ...
Position: Actor (Geronia)
Wednesday 13 March - Saturday 16 March 2024
It’s London 1726, and Mrs. Tull’s got problems. The whores are giving her a hard time, a man in a dress is looking fo...
Position: Assistant Director
Tuesday 25 February - Saturday 01 March 2025
“God it stinks this road. Staleness, rot, stink, sex, drink, blood. There’s always been something wrong down here. It...
Position: Actor (Helen / Brenda)