This workshop finished on Friday 27 January 2023, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.
Friday 27 January 2023
Before every Imps show, the secret council of improv technicians assemble and greet in the sacred custom… Ok, not really… there are actually imps tech workshops before every imps show, this is just the Bedfest special. Imps tech can be a great introduction to tech at Bedlam, as you learn the show and then run it, straightaway putting what you just learnt into practice. A well-timed doorbell can make the difference between a funny game and a rolling in the aisles game, so come along on Friday in the auditorium at 21:00 and improvise along with the players from the box.
This is the tech workshop. Also come along to the Improv Acting Workshop on Saturday at 12pm