This is the archive of every EUTC event from 1871 to the present! If you have anything to add to any of the shows, or think we are missing any, or want any more information about something, don’t hesitate to contact the Archivist
Sunday 18 September 2022
In this two woman reimagining, when Macbeth is led to believe he is destined to become King, his power-hungry partner...
Saturday 25 January 2020
Join us for the Edinburgh University Shakespeare Company’s second annual monologue show this BedFest! Come along for...
Tuesday 22 January 2019
The Edinburgh University Shakespeare Company showcases some of its finest acting talent with a second monologue show....
Friday 14 September 2018
Join the Shakespeare Company for an evening of Edinburgh’s finest student acting talent, performing an exciting selec...
Friday 03 August - Monday 27 August 2018
Exemplifing Shakespeare’s talent for depicting matters of state, the Henriad will offer a strikingly intimate portrai...
Tuesday 08 November - Saturday 12 November 2016
“Nature teaches beasts to know their friends.”
Friday 16 September 2016
Allow some of Edinburgh University’s resident acting talent to regale you with some of the Bard’s most interesting mo...
Tuesday 09 September 2014
Find out about the Company and see some brilliant Monologues!
Friday 27 November - Sunday 29 November 2009
'Pray to the devils; the gods have given us over'.
Tuesday 28 February - Saturday 04 March 2006
This show was imported from the old website. If you are able to provide any more information, please contact the Arch...