This show finished on Thursday 16 November 2023, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.
A halfBaked Christmas
Thursday 16 November 2023
£2/3/4 + £1 booking fee on the door
There’s a mystery afoot, and Sherlock Holmes is determined to find the truth. However, all is not as it seems; jewels and geese alike go missing, criminals change their ways, and tensions boil over. ‘Tis the season, so join us for a halfBaked christmas!
In true halfBaked style, not all performers will be off book, and there will be (fully) baked goods provided with every ticket, so BYOB, and get ready for a reasonably good time!
Adapted from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s short story by Leon Niven.
Actor (Breckinridge/Henry Baker/Maid) Alba McGowan
Actor (Commissioner Peterson/Countess Morcar/Maggie/Barkeeper) Andrew More
Actor (Dr Watson/Judge) Jackdaw Alexander Gaspar
Actor (James Ryder/Miscreant 1) Karis Halpin
Actor (Sherlock Holmes/Police Officer) Molly Gilbert
Director/Actor (John Horner/Miscreant 2) Luke Hardwick
Producer Leon Niven
Stage Assistant Marie Faugeres
Stage Manager Jack Read
Tech Assistant Ching Zhan
Tech Manager Leon Lee