This show finished on Thursday 24 January 2019, and this page is being kept for archival purposes only.

Paper Bullets


Thursday 24 January 2019


Bedlam Theatre




Eve von der Heyde


Bedfest 2019


Two Russian journalists. One a pacifist, one a war veteran. Two assassinations. One real, one fake. October 2006. Anna Poltikovskaya is assassinated in the elevator of her apartment building. May 2018. Arkady Babchenko is reported assassinated in the stairwell of his apartment building. Both were outspoken critics of Vladimir Putin. “Paper Bullets” is a performance in two halves, looking at the struggle of being an honest journalist in modern Russia. These two short plays imagine a brief moment in the lives of Anna Politkovskaya and Arkady Babchenko, and their struggle to write the truth under the dangerous eye of Putin’s Russia.

Cast and Crew


Actor (Anna Politkovskaya) Francesca Sellors

Actor (Arkady Babchenko and Alex Politkovsky) David Llewellyn

Actor (Idris Musaev) Michael Zwiauer

Co-Tech Manager George Manchester

Co-Tech Manager Sophie Lee

Director Jelena Sofronijevic

Producer Eve von der Heyde


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