Holly Spragg



"Freshers' Plays 2022: BedlamVision" by The Freshers

Wednesday 28 September - Saturday 01 October 2022

Freshers’ plays are back, and it’s Eurovision time! Having had our location used as the venue in the Eurovision movi...

Position: Group 1 Child (Actor - Ginger Spice)

"halfBaked 2022/2023" by halfBakers

Monday 10 October 2022 - Thursday 30 March 2023

halfBaked is an EUTC series of shows with the single aim of just enjoying acting. We don’t do auditions we just take ...

Position: Tech Assistant

"Sherlock Holmes and The Speckled Band" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Friday 14 October 2022

A halfBaked production

Position: Sound Designer

"Journey of Destiny" by Gabriel Penman

Friday 04 November 2022

A halfBaked Production

Position: Sound Designer

"Spiderman: Into the Pantoverse" by Em Leites McPherson & Lewis Eggeling

Wednesday 30 November - Saturday 03 December 2022

With great panto comes great responsibility.

Position: Actor (Harv / Ensemble) / Set Assistant

"The Nativity! (2022)" by Liz Dooley, Jude Rogers, Rorke Wilson, Alexander Morzeria-Davis, Jane Simmons

Friday 16 December 2022

As the first great Nativity proposal reads: “Why don’t we do a school nativity in Bedlam” “Yes, why don’t we?” “No wa...

Position: Actor

"Give it a Go Week 2023" by The Edinburgh University Theatre Company

Monday 16 January - Friday 20 January 2023

Welcome to Theatre in Edinburgh! You can always get involved, but now is an especially good time as we are hosting a ...

Position: Co-Cafe Manager

"Bedfest 2023" by The Edinburgh University Theatre Company

Monday 23 January - Saturday 28 January 2023

The annual celebration of Bedlam. Open all week midday to midnight

Position: Programming (Socials)

"halfRead: The Wonderland Report" by Killian Grace MacDonald

Friday 27 January 2023


Position: Lighting Designer

"Medea" by Euripides, translated by Jemima Jayne

Wednesday 08 February - Saturday 11 February 2023

Medea is a two-thousand year old drama, first staged by Euripides in ancient Athens and now newly translated by the d...

Position: Set Assistant

"Sherlock Holmes and The Thalassic Room" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Thursday 16 February 2023

A halfBaked production. The end comes to all.

Position: Followspot Operator

"Closer" by Patrick Marber

Wednesday 15 March - Saturday 18 March 2023

“What do you have to do to get a bit of intimacy around here?!” Explore what happens when desire and jealousy collid...

Position: Co-Set Manager

"The Tempest" by William Shakespeare

Tuesday 28 March - Saturday 01 April 2023

We are such stuff as dreams are made on.

Position: Stage Manager

"The Tempest II" by Artificial Intelligence

Thursday 30 March 2023

A halfBaked Production. Play and Complementary Cake.

Position: Co-Lighting Designer

"EUSOG Presents: "HMS Pinafore"" by Sir W. S. Gilbert and Sir Arthur Sullivan

Tuesday 04 April - Friday 07 April 2023

All aboard H.M.S. Pinafore for a tale of forbidden love, dark secrets and some rather fabulous musical numbers. This...

Position: Set Designer

"A Celebration of Queer Life: Open Mic Night" by Various

Saturday 15 April 2023

An evening of art of all media celebrating queer joy!

Position: Organiser

"The Bunker Diary" by Juliet Gray

Wednesday 10 May - Friday 12 May 2023

Book by Kevin Brooks, play adaptation by Juliet Gray I can’t believe I fell for it. It was still dark when I woke up...

Position: Set Manager

"Welcome Week 2023" by The Edinburgh University Theatre Company

Monday 11 September - Sunday 17 September 2023

Find all information about workshops, socials, and shows taking place this Welcome Week (as well as throughout the ye...

Position: Co-Cafe Manager

"Fresher's Plays 2023: Top of the Props!" by The Freshers

Thursday 28 September - Friday 29 September 2023

Introducing this year’s Freshers Plays ‘Top of the Pops’! Nine new families. Nine new plays. Each given one prop. Fe...

Position: Set Coordinator/Family 4 Parent

"Memento Mori" by Noor Kabbani

Thursday 05 October - Friday 06 October 2023

‘Memento Mori’- remember you must die. This original play takes the seemingly bleak phrase and finds new meaning to ...

Position: Set Manager

"Guards! Guards!" by Terry Pratchett, adapted by Stephen Briggs

Wednesday 25 October - Saturday 28 October 2023

‘He made a big speech about how he was going to kill the dragon, overthrow the usurpers and right all wrongs. Everyon...

Position: Set Designer

"Monty Panto and the 12-ish Labours" by Miki Ivan & Fiona Connor

Wednesday 29 November - Saturday 02 December 2023

In the beginning was the game, the game was with God, and the game *was* God.

Position: Set Manager