Lois Zonnenberg

Hi!! If you’re reading this you’re not unlikely to be involved in archiving, in which case, hi, this is exciting, archiving is still occuring! Please come tell me about all the fun stuff you’ve found, because history is fun and the archives are wonderful :)


"Freshers Play 2k19 " by The Freshers

Wednesday 25 September - Saturday 28 September 2019

From the Archives!

Position: Group 1 Child

"20 Minutes of Action" by Pollyanna Esse

Wednesday 02 October - Thursday 03 October 2019

This original verbatim piece takes you through one of the most controversial sexual assault cases in America. Each an...

Position: Tech Assistant

"Things I Know to Be True" by Andrew Bovell

Tuesday 08 October - Saturday 12 October 2019

“It goes on. Life. It goes on.”

Position: Tech Assistant

"Blink" by Phil Porter

Wednesday 16 October - Thursday 17 October 2019

"Love is whatever you feel it to be"

Position: Tech Assistant

"Should Auld Acquaintance be Forgot" by Amy Yeo

Wednesday 30 October - Thursday 31 October 2019

Six friends reunite after graduation for their annual burns night supper. An evening rife with gossip, secrets and re...

Position: Assistant Tech

"Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off" by Liz Lochhead

Tuesday 05 November - Saturday 09 November 2019

The Edinburgh University Theatre Company Presents Liz Lochhead’s ‘Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off’. A p...

Position: Tech Crew

"EZRA" by Stella Green

Wednesday 13 November - Thursday 14 November 2019

The Edinburgh University Theatre Company presents EZRA, a piece of new writing by Stella Green. Ezra, his sister Noy...

Position: Assistant Stage Manager

"Candlewasters 19/20" by Various

Friday 22 November 2019 - Saturday 21 March 2020


Position: Assistant Tech Manager

"Avengers: Nativity War" by Liam Bradbury

Wednesday 27 November - Saturday 30 November 2019

It’s time to dust off the baubles and wake up your granny, the panto is here and it’s going to be…absolutely super! ...

Position: Set Assistant

"The Odyssey in 60 Minutes" by Mick Zijdel

Monday 20 January 2020

Telling a twenty-four book long journey in just 60 minutes

Position: Tech Manager

"Rotterdam" by Jon Brittain

Thursday 23 January 2020

It’s New Year in Rotterdam, and Alice has finally plucked up the courage to email her parents and tell them she’s gay...

Position: Tech Manager

"So Long, And Thanks for the Bathtub" by Lois Zonnenberg

Friday 24 January 2020

The Amateur Detective Society goes on an investigation, after a murder happens in their town. Involving a bathtub, al...

Position: Co-Director

"Compartmentalisation 101" by Ally Shilson

Wednesday 12 February - Thursday 13 February 2020

Flying over the dark Atlantic to a small, plush island, Cal and Nat know the week approaching them is going to bring ...

Position: Tech Assistant

"The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde

Wednesday 26 February - Saturday 29 February 2020

‘To lose one parent Mr Worthing, may be regarded as unfortunate, to lose both looks like carelessness’ In Oscar Wild...

Position: Set Assistant

"So Here We Are" by Luke Norris

Wednesday 04 March - Thursday 05 March 2020

Frankie’s gone and no one wants to talk about it. Smudge, Pugh, Pidge and Dan have just returned from the funeral of...

Position: Tech Manager

"Diana of Dobson's " by Cicely Hamilton

Wednesday 11 March - Saturday 14 March 2020

“It’ll all be the same 100 years from now.”

Position: Set Team

"The Ladykillers" by Graham Linehan

Wednesday 14 October - Saturday 17 October 2020


Position: Set Manager

"Archives" by Lois Zonnenberg

Thursday 29 October 2020

A deep dive into the history of the EUTC

Position: -

"Website and Wiki: ins and outs" by Lois Zonnenberg

Thursday 11 February 2021

Have you ever wondered what all the tabs on the website mean? What the best take-away around Bedlam is? How to find o...

Position: -

"Scottish Online Student Drama Festival (SOSDF)" by Lois Zonnenberg

Monday 08 March - Sunday 14 March 2021

A student theatre festival hosted by the EUTC, featuring over 40 events, including performances from 28 different UK-...

Position: Head Admin

"Seven Interviews" by Mark Dunn

Saturday 13 March 2021

An SOSDF show

Position: Tech Manager

"Good Girls Go To Heaven" by Lewis Forman

Tuesday 30 March - Saturday 03 April 2021


Position: Set Manager

"Welcome Week 2021" by Never Set

Monday 13 September - Sunday 19 September 2021

Check out bedlamtheatre.co.uk/get_involved/welcome_week for all information!

Position: Bedlam Hermit

"Introduction to Set at Bedlam!" by Lois Zonnenberg

Friday 17 September 2021

Are you wanting to get involved with set, and/or just really want to build stuff, then come along! We’ll talk about h...

Position: -

"Archiving at Bedlam" by Lois Zonnenberg

Saturday 18 September 2021

Find out more about the history of this 131 year old society, its gothic-church theatre, and how to get involved in t...

Position: Archivist

"How to Run a Theatre" by Never Set

Sunday 19 September 2021

The EUTC is the only Society that runs a building, Bedlam Theatre. Discover how to get involved with everything we do...

Position: -

"Let's Create A Thing!" by Lois Zonnenberg

Tuesday 05 October - Thursday 07 October 2021

We are going to Create a Thing! Have you always wanted to build something? Or wanted to paint murals on a wall? Now y...

Position: Creative Director / Set

"Intro to Archiving" by Lois Zonnenberg

Monday 11 October 2021

Intro to Archiving is for everyone who wants to get involved with archiving at Bedlam! There will be some general cha...

Position: Archivist

"Songs from the Bedlam" by Mick Zijdel

Friday 15 October - Sunday 17 October 2021

Bedlam’s back, with music!

Position: Stage Manager

"Freshers Play 2021: The Plays That Never Were" by The Freshers

Saturday 23 October 2021

Please purchase tickets in advance, they will be £1 more expensive on the door! Bedlam’s back, but it wasn’t an easy...

Position: Group 5 Parent / General Stage Manager / General Set Manager

"Bedlam Haunted House" by Sophie Mackay and Holly Sargent

Wednesday 27 October - Saturday 30 October 2021

Members only, and only those who have completed building training! To access this, buy a membership on the EUSA websi...

Position: Set Manager

"Escape the Bedlam" by Theo Kellogg

Wednesday 10 November - Friday 12 November 2021

Bedlam Theatre is now the site of two terrible tragedies. Come join us and test your skills by solving puzzles, conun...

Position: Tech Manager / Lighting Designer

"21 Chump Street" by TBC

Wednesday 24 November 2021


Position: Stage Manager

"The Nativity! 2021" by MJ Harman, Alexander Morzeria-Davis, Susan Gately

Thursday 23 December 2021

Online and nativity-er than ever!

Position: Mayor of Bedlehem (Co-Producer)

"Festival of New Theatre in Scotland (FoNTS) " by Various

Monday 14 March - Wednesday 16 March 2022

A new festival celebrating new theatre from our Community

Position: Festival/Venue Manager/Typographer

"Songs IN The Bedlam" by Various

Friday 20 May 2022

Join us this Friday 20 May at 19:30 for an evening of musical performances during Songs in the Bedlam! We will have ...

Position: Duty Manager

"Welcome Week 2022" by The Edinburgh University Theatre Company

Monday 12 September - Sunday 18 September 2022

Welcome to Bedlam! Welcome to theatre in Edinburgh! This year, Bedlam Theatre hosted the Edinburgh University Theatr...

Position: Theatre Manager

"Bedlam Theatre Tour and Questions" by Lois Zonnenberg

Monday 12 September - Sunday 18 September 2022

Ever wonder what is inside a theatre? The Bedlam Theatre is a unique, student-run theatre in a neo-gothic church. Com...

Position: Tour Guide

"Freshers' Plays 2022: BedlamVision" by The Freshers

Wednesday 28 September - Saturday 01 October 2022

Freshers’ plays are back, and it’s Eurovision time! Having had our location used as the venue in the Eurovision movi...

Position: Co-Producer

"halfBaked 2022/2023" by Never Set

Monday 10 October 2022 - Thursday 30 March 2023

halfBaked is an EUTC series of shows with the single aim of just enjoying acting. We don’t do auditions we just take ...

Position: Producer

"A Doll's House" by Henrik Ibsen

Wednesday 09 November - Saturday 12 November 2022

There is a marriage of theatrics in the Helmer’s household, and Nora plays her role well. A spendthrift and a singing...

Position: Set Manager

"Spiderman: Into the Pantoverse" by Em Leites McPherson & Lewis Eggeling

Wednesday 30 November - Saturday 03 December 2022

With great panto comes great responsibility.

Position: Set Manager / Actor (Lois Zonnenberg)

"The Nativity! (2022)" by Liz Dooley, Jude Rogers, Rorke Wilson, Alexander Morzeria-Davis, Jane Simmons

Friday 16 December 2022

As the first great Nativity proposal reads: “Why don’t we do a school nativity in Bedlam” “Yes, why don’t we?” “No wa...

Position: Sinterklaas (Actor / Band)

"Bedfest 2023" by The Edinburgh University Theatre Company

Monday 23 January - Saturday 28 January 2023

The annual celebration of Bedlam. Open all week midday to midnight

Position: Tech Manager

"Midlands in Midlothian 2023" by Never Set

Friday 17 February - Sunday 19 February 2023

Nottingham New Theatre visit and perform a show!

Position: Tech Manager

"Translations" by Brian Friel

Wednesday 01 March - Saturday 04 March 2023

Even if I did speak Irish, I’d always be considered an outsider here, wouldn’t I?

Position: Set Manager

"Nottingham StuFF 2023" by The Edinburgh University Theatre Company

Saturday 10 June - Sunday 11 June 2023

Let’s go to Nottingham on 10 and 11 June and put on a show!

Position: Admin Buddy

"With a Smile" by Izzy Ponsford

Saturday 10 June 2023

This is the EUTC's entry into Nottingham's student fringe festival (StuFF) at Nottingham

Position: Technical Manager